At Mainline Health, we offer comprehensive dental care for the whole family. Whether you’re looking for routine teeth cleaning or need assistance with a more pressing dental issue, we’re here to help.

Our Approach

We offer preventive, basic, and major oral health services to provide the care you need when you need it.

We’re here to support you if you’re experiencing immediate dental problems like mouth pain, toothaches, or gum sensitivity. We also encourage regular trips to the dentist to keep your mouth and gums healthy and to prevent tooth decay. Whatever you need, our qualified team is here to help.

We provide the following services and specialties to best meet your oral health needs:

Dental Check-Ups & Cleanings

We encourage patients to practice regular care of their teeth and gums to maintain good oral health and can help your family establish these healthy habits at home. When you come to see us for a regular appointment, we’ll do a tooth cleaning, take x-rays, and examine your teeth and gums for overall health.

Corporate ADDRESS

583 West Gaines

Monticello, AR 71655


Phone: (870) 538-5414

After Hours: (870) 538-3355