Do you need help with keeping track of medications, making appointments, or improving your nutrition? Do you know someone who could use help to keep up with basic needs such as transportation, housing, or employment? Have you recently had multiple hospitalizations or visits to the emergency room?

If so, Mainline Health’s Community Health Worker program may be the helping hand you are looking for.

A Partner Who Can Help

Mainline Health’s Community Health Worker program is available to every Mainline Health patient. Our team includes nurses, care coordinators, dentists, and other healthcare providers to assist with the services you need.

Once you join the program, you will be assigned a primary Community Health Worker to facilitate your needs. This person will use the tools available to them to find the necessary community resources needed to help you.

Outreach and Enrollment

If you do not have health insurance, our Community Health Worker team can assist you with the insurance enrollment process. They may assist you with applying for Medicaid and/or other needed social services. 

Maternal Health Community Health Workers

The Community Health Worker program is also available to all of our expecting mothers through the Mainline Health Women's Clinic Maternal Health Program. The Maternal Health CHWs may assist with applying for Medicaid, WIC, and other social needs. The CHW is available to assist with everything from securing baby essentials to transportation to and from your OB visits. The Maternal Health CHW works closely with the Women's Clinic team to provide a safe and healthy pregnancy. Maternal Health CHW services are available to moms for up to two (2) years after the delivery of your baby. 


Corporate ADDRESS

583 West Gaines

Monticello, AR 71655


Phone: (870) 538-5414

After Hours: (870) 538-3355